Alicia Silverstone Says She Still Sleeps in Same Bed With 11-Year-Old Son Bear: 'I'm a Natural Mama'

The 'Clueless' star made the revelation on 'The Ellen Fisher Podcast.'

Alicia Silverstone says she and her 11-year-old son, Bear, share the same bed and sleep together. The Clueless star made the revelation on The Ellen Fisher Podcast, adding she has zero qualms about any backlash.

The 45-year-old actress and the self-improvement podcast host were talking about motherhood and being hyper aware as mothers who also have an inner primal nature. "It's so natural to just wanna keep your baby close and follow your intention with that," Fisher said, prompting Silverstone to reveal, "Bear and I still sleep together. And I'll be in trouble for saying that but I don't really care."

The actress later added, "I just do what's natural. I'm a natural mama and I'm a loving mama and I believe in love and I believe in nature. And our society is scared of nature and scared of love."

Silverstone and Fisher also spoke about "elimination communication," which is when parents pick up on signals to address an infant's need to eliminate waste. Silverstone, a self-proclaimed "potty whisperer," said she started this practice late in the game when Bear was six months old. She added that "Bear never went poop in a diaper again after eight months."

"When I was done feeding him, he would go to the bathroom on the toilet," Silverstone explained. "And when he woke up from a nap, he’d  go to the toilet. So those are two simple cues. And they happen a lot. Babies wake up a lot and babies eat a lot. So, if you just practice putting them to the bathroom after that, that will knock out, like, half your diaper usage."

Silverstone did note, however, that Bear would use a cloth diaper while on airplanes or if he was sleeping.

“There was a period of time where I was watching him naked and watching the cues," Silverstone continued. "The cues part for me was really fun because I thought that he was flirting with me because he would do this little smile, but that’s when he had to pee. But they give you a cue."

Silverstone also shared that her then-husband Christopher Jarecki initially reacted to the "elimination communication" practice by asking, 'What is this hippie s**t you're doing now?' "And then I said, 'Try it' and he loved it!"

Silverstone said that, when it comes to potty training, the status-quo involves so much suffering for all parties involved.

"The conversations you hear parents having. It’s causing such strife in their household all because of the convenience of that period of time of having them poo and pee in something that’s so uncomfortable," she explained. "What you’ve done is train your baby that that’s where they go. You trained them that. Now you have to un-train them from that, and that’s a hard journey. You told them that this is where you go. So, if you tell them that’s where they go, then you have to re-train them to do something else. And that’s a struggle, because that was a safe space for them since they were a baby."

Silverstone's done things her own way for a long time now. She revealed that Bear saw Clueless when he was five years old "because it was on at the Hollywood [Forever] Cemetery [and] ... 4,000 people came to see and I couldn’t pass that experience up, of watching it under the stars, pillows on the ground with rosé."

"He was so young and it's not appropriate, I think, for a 5-year-old to watch that movie... it’s all about sex and stuff, so I just realized, 'Oops,'" she continued. "But, at the time... he loved it, but what he really picked up [on is] he tried to kiss me, like, passionate kisses, because that’s what he saw in the movie."