Emily Blunt, Dwayne Johnson and Jack Whitehall Attempt Each Other's Accents While Working Out

The trio is set to co-star in 'Jungle Cruise;, hitting theaters in Oct. 2019.

Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson know how to have fun on set!

Johnson took to Instagram on Monday to share a hilarious video with Blunt and their fellow Jungle Cruise co-star, Jack Whitehall. In the clip, the trio is working out in the gym -- but it looks like it's anything but boring!

Clad in a sweaty gray tank, black leggings and brown baseball cap, 35-year-old Blunt begins the video on an exercise machine. "Hey guys, just hanging out here at Iron Paradise," she quips in the clip. "The cast who trains together, stays together."

Finishing up her arm workout, Blunt makes her way over to Johnson, 46, who also appears to be working on his arms. As soon as she gets there, Johnson begins counting, "198. 199. 200."

"He's literally done three," Blunt corrects. "You were looking a little shaky. Love your towel skirt. Fab."

Following Johnson's fib about his number of reps, Whitehall, who's British, begins to mock the Skyscraper star by mimicking his American accent.

"All me, all me. No pains, no gains," he says in the clip, much to Johnson's annoyance.

Blunt immediately jumps on the teasing with her best American accent. "Iron Paradise, just hanging out. I'm Dwayne Johnson, I like squats and shakes," she exclaims.

Johnson attempts to turn the focus by doing a British accent and some mocking of his own. "Let's go watch some Quidditch, I'm Mary Poppins - yes it's cool, it's iconic, it's you," he jokes.

Blunt pleads with Johnson to "never ever" do that again, while 30-year-old Whitehall admonishes the two, declaring, "No negativity." The video ends on a sweet note with the trio hugging it out. 

"My British voice is beautiful and sexy. Their 'Rock voice' is repugnant & nauseating," Johnson quips in the video's caption. "The cast that trains together.. stays together. And the cast that talks smack to each other.. become LIFERS."

Johnson continues, "Just your typical day in the IRON PARADISE with my JUNGLE CRUISE ohana, the relentlessly bad a** @jackwhitehall and the Incomparable One herself, Emily Blunt. Now bring it on in for a nice, long, sweaty, hug that goes on for way too long making it beautifully weird, while wearing 50lb chains. #MaryPoppinsAndMaui☂?? #JackIsABeast?? #IronParadise #JungleCruiseOhana #Lifers."

Whitehall posted the video as well, captioning it with both self-deprecation and glowing praise for his co-stars.

"Finally got let loose in the Iron Paradise. Hard work and a lot of sweating and grunting but I fully expect to wake up tomorrow morning looking like @therock," Whitehall wrote. "It’s good that we’ve got to a stage now where we’ve spent so much time together that we are comfortable doing each other’s voices and Emily is calling Dwayne ‘toots’ -which he loves. great way to start the week and makes a change from my usual gym experience which is pootling along on an exercise bike for twenty minutes whilst listening to an audiobook. #2chainz #nopainnogain."

Jungle Cruise is set to hit theaters on Oct. 11, 2019. Until then, here's more with Blunt: